Relieve Pain Naturally with the easy to make Lakhovsky Coil

Pain Relief

Stories of the people who have learned how to conquer pain

Using the easy to make Lakhovsky Coil

Josie’s Brother

Josie's brotherTalking with one of my co-workers, Josie, I told her about the pain relief Lakhovsky Coil gives .   She told me she was having trouble sleeping. Then I told her the whole story regarding the success I had seen with other people.

She said she had a brother with two slipped discs in his back and wondered if it might help him. He had had pain in his back for five years.  He spending most of his time going back and forth between his chair in the living room and his bed. When he walked, it was with a cane. She said he walked hunched over like an old man.

I made a Lakhovsky Coil and gave it to her. When she showed it to him, he laughed but his mother told him to put it on. That happened on a Sunday. The next Wednesday the whole family was getting together and you can imagine their surprise when he walked in upright and straight without a cane and not in pain.

He was so excited that he was laughing and showing everyone his Lakhovsky Coil telling them all about it.  Last time I talked to her she said that he was driving again and that he was careful to always keep the coil clean.

Kathy From Missouri

Kathy-back-pain-relief-Kathy, in Missouri, had a serious problem with a slipped disk in her back. Kathy told me later that she put the Lakhovsky Coil on just to prove me wrong because “it couldn’t possibly work”.  Since having become injured, she had to sleep on the floor to relieve her back pain.

After wearing a Lakhovsky Coil for just a few days the pain had vanished. She couldn’t believe it. After that, whenever her back would start to hurt, she would just wear the Coil that night to help her sleep and by morning the pain would be gone.  Since Kathy was only in her early 30’s she only wore it when she injured herself.

Kathy’s son played basketball and had a lot of pain in his ankle. He would have to tape it up for the high school games, even then it didn’t completely ease the pain.

When he saw how much the Lakhovsky Coil did for his mother, he asked her to get one for him. He only wore his at night but it completely got rid of the pain. He didn’t have to tape his ankle anymore.

Farmer’s Back

a-golden-field-After moving to South Dakota, one day I had a farmer come into my store who was complaining about his back hurting really bad.  I made up a Lakhovsky Coil for him and was surprised when he said he would try it.

He came in a few days later and I asked him if he was wearing the Coil because I didn’t see it under his clothes (farmers wear tight clothes) and he said he had it on.  So I asked him how his back was and he said that it was better.  Then he said he wasn’t sure whether his back just got better on its own or if it was the Coil.  I said, Yeh right!  His back had been hurting for awhile.

Working in the Garden

Working in GardenDavid loved working in his gardens, but he had injured his back and had problems with lifting him arm very high.  After putting on the Lakhovsky Coil shortly his back pain was gone and he could lift his arm above his head.

Read the whole story about my journey finding and using the Lakhovsky Coil and how to make it here: