Hugh breakthrough today! Previously in order to get up off the floor I would have to go on my knees to a chair or couch and lift myself up with my arms. Not anymore! Just a hand on the floor and up I came. WOW…was that exciting or what?
6/2/18 Loss: 11.4 lbs.
Over many years I have picked up a few (lots) of exercise machines, etc. to try and take off the ugly weight that insists on clinging to my body.
One of those machines that was regulated to the back of my closet was an OxyFlow. This is a machine where you lay on the floor and there is a tray on the top of the machine where you put your ankles. It would move your feet back and forth. I call it the “jiggle” machine. You can pick one up on EBay.
Well, I pulled it out of the closet and dusted it off and started using it.
The way I look at it is that it is very important to get your Lymphatic System moving to help to get you cleaned out and in good health. They say it also has a lot of other benefits.
The machine jiggles you with your feet up so maybe it would work for that. Since I had been spending a great deal of time just sitting on my duff, I figured I needed a good dose of shaking up of my Lymphatic System. I don’t seem to be getting into any strenuous exercise program.
Chi Vitalizer Machine
There is a new type of machine called the Chi Vitalizer Machine. These are the benefits of the machine.
The guiding principle is what Chinese Medicine has known for ages: disease is due to an impairment in the flow of the body’s energy.
Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, spinal column and vertebrae to relieve back, neck & shoulder pain
Feel the incredible flow of energy throughout your body. Oxygenates your cells, promotes cell repair, rejuvenation and increased energy levels, Releases toxins that have accumulated in your system throughout the day. Increase your body’s ability to fight off infection, repair damaged cells and improve metabolic efficiency.
A single speed machine like the Sun Ancon will not give you the benefits you want. Everybody is not the same. Variable speeds mean you can set the Vitalizer to suit your specific size and weight..
Start for a short period of time and at a slow speed. Then monitor your results and increase the time and speed at your own pace. The movement has an arc at the ends, increasing your range of motion.
Claimed Benefits of Chi Vitalizer Machine:
- This massager will help realign your spine, relax your back muscles, and increase the blood flow and oxygen supply to the spinal column.
- The Chi Vitalizer Machine increases circulation and promotes proper blood flow, many users experience a decline in blood pressure.
- Poor sleep is often a result of spinal misalignment, fix it and the quality of your sleep will improve.
- Extremely simple and easy to use. Not a weight-bearing exercise, thus providing a safe and effective way for you to exercise.
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is part of the vascular system and an important part of the immune system. It is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.
The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body.
Money Honey hasn’t shown up yet. The smaller money monster is getting closer.
To see my whole Keto Journey from beginning to 65 lbs. lost. You can go to my Keto Journey page here: https://www.phystonelife.com/keto-journey/