Lost 62 Lbs.
I have lost 62 lbs. with the Keto Lifestyle and Intermittent Fasting. Only 20 more pounds to go to get to my ideal weight. And you all know how hard it is to get that last 20 pounds off. So I have been sort of in a slump (plateau) and staying about the same.

Then when the holidays came along it was really hard to keep to my regiment of Keto and Intermittent Fasting. So I cheated! I gained 4 pounds over the holidays. Since I had been losing about .2 lbs. per day, 4 lbs. should have taken me about 20 days or more (since I had been hitting a lot of plateaus) to take the weight off. I wasn’t looking forward to the disappointment.
If you have been following my journey of weight loss (or you can read my posts here: Keto Lifestyle ) I have talked about how whenever I hit a plateau I would just change it up somehow and could get my weight coming off again. But I just didn’t know what to change up this time.
Surprise Solution
Then, life stepped in! I had been drinking black iced tea in an insulated bottle during the times when I wasn’t eating. Just drinking water didn’t make it for me and with the black tea iced I could handle it without sugar or sweetener in it (don’t like artificial sweetener).
Winter came. Since I am in South Dakota, it got really cold. I needed something to drink hot and hot black tea without sugar is just no fun.

Having bought green tea I hadn’t been drinking it because I figured I needed the caffeine that was in the black tea. But I needed something hot to drink and so I started drinking about 3 cups of green tea in the morning without anything in it. The pounds started melting off. I took off the 4 lbs. in less than one week.
Maybe Not The Best Idea
One other thing I have done is that I have quit exercising and dancing. I do plan on going back to doing it. Anyone who has been battling the weight problem as I have will know that muscle weighs more than fat. So when you don’t exercise and build muscle the weight loss may show more. I really don’t think that this would have been as big a factor as drinking the green tea.
Organic is important! If you get some green tea make sure it is organic. Walmart sells 100 bags of “Uncle Lee’s Tea” (which is what I got).