In my blog Killing Pain – How I Learned How I talked about how I learned about and developed the process of making a Lakhovsky Coil. I then talked about the success on my cat and myself. Having such success using a Lakhovsky Coil on myself I proceeded to tell others about it. This is how the Lakhovsky Coil gives exciting results.
Trying the Lakhovsky Coil on my family

My father was the next to try the Lakhovsky Coil. Since he was 72 years old at the time he had painful arthritis in his hands. He also had bursitis in his neck really bad. He would have to turn his whole body since his neck wouldn’t turn. My father was from Missouri and I figured that he would just scoff at the idea of wearing a Lakhovsky Coil like I suggested. But when he heard what it had done for me and the cat he was anxious to try it.
Shortly after he started wearing it, his neck started to loosen up. He found that he could move it easily and without any pain. The pain and swelling in his hands also diminished. Because of my father’s age it was necessary for him to wear it all the time. He knew when the copper needed cleaning because his neck would start stiffening up. My father tried using different dielectrics but found that the one I suggest in this information worked the best. He wore his coil until the day he died.
My mother also wore a Lakhovsky Coil but she didn’t have as many problems as my Dad so didn’t see any dramatic results. But she used it when her arthritis kicked up.
Telling my employees and customers at my restaurant
Shortly after my parents trying the Lakhovsky Coil I moved to Missouri and opened a restaurant. My excitement was still so overwhelming I would tell anyone who would listen to me about the Lakhovsky Coil. The next person to try it was Kathy in Missouri that I talked about in success stories.
Bob’s unbelievable success
After that, was a very dramatic example of Bob, a man in his 50’s, who had an extreme case of arthritis. The only thing the doctors could do is dope him up on pills to stop the pain. He had completely gone off the medication because he didn’t like being doped up. Bob had tried everything for pain relief including a gold treatment but nothing worked. I suggested that he try the Lakhovsky Coil and he said, “Why not? He had nothing to lose”.
Bob told me that after he put the coil on, within in a couple of hours his hands started to feel better and loosen up. He said to himself, “it was just his imagination”. Then a few hours later the pain was gone. At that point, and he said to himself, “Maybe this coil thing is working”. He continued to progress quickly.
Bob told me that his breathing and cough had been so bad that he could only sleep about an hour at a time before having to sit up. The first night he wore the coil he slept through for 4 hours and couldn’t believe it. As time went on, he no longer had to roll out of bed in the morning and pull himself up because his legs had stiffened up during the night.
The most miraculous result Bob had was that about after 3 weeks of wearing the coil he did deep knee bends in front of me with his arms straight out in front of him. After he had done it, he commented that before the Lakhovsky Coil he couldn’t even bend down let alone get back up. Bob said the his biggest problem with the coil was that he had a tendency to do too much now that he was free of pain.
In Los Angeles and still talking about the Lakhovsky Coil
After that, I moved to Los Angeles and told only a few people about the Lakhovsky Coil over the next few years. But no one I knew had any serious problems or I couldn’t get anyone to try it.
But then, there was a guy at my church who had a pinched nerve in his hip and was in so much pain that he told me he had “bawled like a little baby”. He went to the doctor and was given pain pills but even those didn’t completely alleviate the pain. His complaint was that the pills made him like a zombie.
I told him about the Lakhovsky Coil and he said he would try anything. After a few hours he was walking better. He said the pain was better and that the “catch” in his hip was gone. Within a few days the pain was gone. He is just fine now and has not had a recurrence of the pinched nerve or pain.
Back to telling my co-workers
His story encouraged me to talk about the Lakhovsky Coil again at work. I told one of my co-workers, Josie, which is the story I talked about her brother in success stories. Josie wears one because it makes her feel so much better and happier.
She made one up for her other brother who had back pain, her girlfriend, her mother, and a friend of hers who was 88 years old and suffering from arthritis. Josie’s friend was so sore and stiff that she had to walk with a cane and could hardly get around . Shortly after starting to wear the Lakhovsky Coil, she was doing her own housework. Josie also said she was even kicking up her leg and dancing a little.
Then another co-worker had a problem with a tremor in her neck. It was hereditary and her mother also has the same problem. She said the problem got so bad sometimes that she had a hard time getting food in her mouth. Wearing a Lakhovsky Coil cleared up her tremor and if she doesn’t wear it people noticed right away that her tremor is back. She has only been wearing it a few months so it remains to be seen whether or not the problem is reversed.
After moving to South Dakota even though I talked about the Lakhovsky Coil no one seemed to either need it or want to try it until after I open my Convenience Store and could talk to people in town who had problems. These people stories are on the “success stories” page.
My Previous Websites on Lakhovsky Coil
In 2006 I was able to put a few websites ( and and Lakhovsky’ up with the Lakhovsky Coil information. There were a lot of hits on the sites but only a few wrote and told me that it was working for them (a few from foreign countries too). I lost those sites when a tornado came thorough and took out a third of our town in 2016. Not being able to pay the hosting fees anymore I couldn’t afford to keep the sites going. I lost my business because there weren’t enough people left in town to support it. Hopefully, this new website will be better and reach more people.
You never know what results you may get from a Lakhovsky Coil. One guy in Missouri put it on because he had problems with his knees. The next day he came in excited because he was breathing so much better. He said he hadn’t been able to take such deep breaths in years.
I must say, it is exciting for the person getting relief from their physical problems. If you do try a Lakhovsky Coil, you may be surprised. But any reaction varies between individuals. So the amount of time it took for them to get results was different from one person to another, but those with the success stories didn’t give up. They all tried it thinking they would give it at least a couple of weeks to see if it would improve the way they felt.
Wearing the Lakhovsky Coil is no more than wearing jewelry, so those that tried it felt they couldn’t be harmed. Check out the site all about the Lakhovsky Coil >>