When I first started Keto I went whole hog. I was really careful to eat a lot of fat, less protein and very little carbs. Sugar was completely cut out of my diet along with bread and potatoes, all of my favorites.
In Ketosis
Everything was going great. I knew I was in ketosis because of the particular smell that ketosis gives your body. And I was looking great. 55 lbs. had melted off of me and all of my clothes were getting big on me.
My health had improved dramatically. You can read my blog 7 physical benefits of Keto to read about all the changes that I went through.

I got Lazy
Then I got lazy!!! Because I was still on intermittent fasting and not eating sugar the weight continued to fall off until I had lost a total 65 lbs. But I started first with adding a little flour with my food (breading, gravy and stuff), and I stopped taking the Apple Cider Vinegar regularly. Then with the cold weather, I wanted hot drinks and really didn’t like them without sugar, so I added a little sugar.
Staying basically good and on intermittent fasting, I lost but a lot slower. I was no longer in ketosis. It was at this point that I realized something that hadn’t been happening before. I was getting loose skin!
While I was losing the first 55 lbs. and in ketosis, I was just sort of getting slimmer all over. But after I started cheating I noticed that my stomach was starting to get some loose skin. Then I noticed my arms and butt were loose too.
I really hope that when I can get back into ketosis that I will start tightening up.
Don’t make the same mistake
So don’t make the same mistake I did, and stay in Ketosis!!! Do whatever you can to test yourself, eat lots of fat and keep the carbs down. Stay away from sugar!!!
Don’t Cheat!!!!! It really does make a difference!
Personally, I would rather look like her