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Some Just Won’t Try The Lakhovsky Coil

Pain Relief

Stop Their Pain

A woman here in town called me because she and her husband’s health were going down hill badly.  She wanted the instructions on how to make the copper wire that I had told her about.  I told her to come over and my husband and I would make one up for them.  So I made a Lakhovsky Coil for her and one for her husband.  We talked for quite a while about their health and the coil.  We also loaned her one of our zappers that my husband had made (will talk about the zapper later).

A couple of weeks later I ran into her at the store and asked how she and her husband were doing.  She said they weren’t much better.  Her husband had ended up in the hospital because of breathing problems.  He had gotten out but was still not good.

I asked her if they were wearing the copper coil and she said no, it was hanging on the door.  She hadn’t worn it in a long time.  Her husband said that he thought that he had gotten a tingling from it, so he was afraid to wear it because of his bad heart (never heard that one before).

So you can see why, even though I have known about this marvelous way to stop their pain for many many years, it isn’t widely known about. Either people don’t believe it will work for them or they just don’t take it seriously.

A Protection Around Your Body

The Lakhovsky Coil is a protection around your body.  I honestly believe that it protects you from the burden of the background radiation that our body fights everyday.  This allows the body to take care of itself.

We all know that our bodies are a marvelous healing machine if it is properly taken care of.  But health nuts get sick all the time and some die.  It takes more than just eating right and exercising to keep healthy.  Bob Harper from “The Biggest Loser”, who did everything right, still had a heart attack.

I believe that everyone should be wearing a Lakhovsky Coil.  But,  I would be happy if just most senior citizens could start wearing one, especially considering the way we eat.

All I can say is “just try it” and keep persistent at it. You may find that you have a whole new life.