My website story starts in an unusual way
I was listening to Coast to Coast one night on the radio and a woman named Morgana Rae came on. She talked about how she was able to retrain her mind so that she could get a great handle on her problems with money. She was a personal counselor but yet she still couldn’t get a good relationship with money. So she said to herself, “If I was to make money into a person what would they look like?”. Needless to say her money looked like a monster.
The rest of the talk was about how she overcame her money monster. Little did I know that she would be instrumental in giving me financial help and Keto.
I had money problems too so I was intrigued by her. Morgana continued on to say that she had written a book. It was about how to get a good relationship with money. So I bought her book, this was back on May 1, 2018. One of the Best things I ever did. Her book is called “Financial Alchemy” which is a work book too that helps take you step by step through the process.

Finding My Money Honey
In the book you work at getting rid of your “Money Monster” and substitute it with your “Money Honey”. Well, I worked on getting rid of my Money Monster and so my Money Honey showed up, when I was lying in bed with the covers off, and he looked down at me a said, “Look at you. You’re fat, the house is cluttered and dirty, and you’ve given up taking care of yourself.” And then he turned and walked away. (Mind you, I know this was all a fantasy in my mind but I was still devastated because I knew it was all true).
Something had to be done
I desperately needed my Money Honey to help me get our money situation in order. My husband and I had gotten in debt because we owned the Convenience Store in a small town and a tornado came through and took out a third of the town.
We didn’t get hit with the tornado so we could have gotten insurance money. Oh no, the population just got so small it couldn’t support the store. We tried to keep it open for a year. But we just kept getting farther and farther into debt. So we had to close the store. My Money Monster sure was at work with this whole scenario.
My husband has Diabetes
About the time my Money Honey first showed up we found out that my husband had Diabetes. The doctor wanted him to go onto shots and pills. I said, “No way am I going to let you be on those for the rest of your life!”
So I went on YouTube and looked up how he could treat it naturally. That was the second best thing that ever happened because we found “KETO”. Morgana Rae said that your Money Honey would guide you into the right path for you, and mine certainly had because Keto is so much more than weight loss.
Be sure to keep reading to learn about all the benefits I have gotten from Keto and Intermittent Fasting and Apple Cider Vinegar. Also, Learn how I’m getting along with my Money Honey.
Be sure and read my post “Financial Freedom with Money Honey“.