How I Found Keto
Since I was 12 I have been chubby. Sometimes over the years I would balloon up to a hefty size. I would then go to a doctor and take pills and shots and lose the weight. It was expensive. And the weight always came back.
This time I really became obese. I didn’t have the money to go to a doctor and I felt that I would be this way until I died.
Then when my husband got sick with diabetes and we searched for a natural way to help him. That is how we discovered the Keto way of eating. We learned everything we could about how to do it and started living the Keto lifestyle.
The weight came off quickly
I love sugar, potatoes, bread, cakes etc. That was why I couldn’t stay on a “diet”, I would always cheat. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that eating the Keto way kills those horrible cravings that causes you to not be able to stop yourself from eating. That is why it isn’t as hard to stay on the Keto way of eating.
So after 7 months and 65 lbs. later, I have a few things you should know if you want the same success I have had.
When this picture was taken I had lost 50 pounds. I have since gone on to lose 65 pounds but I have given away my large size pants so don’t have a new picture.